Black Hills Redemption Presents...
Tore Olsson
Red Dead's History - Lecture with Tore Olsson
Tore Olsson is a history professor at the University of Tennessee, and an expert in U.S. history since the Civil War. In 2021, he began teaching the world’s first college history class on the Red Dead Redemption games. This inspired his new book, Red Dead’s History: A Video Game, an Obsession, and America’s Violent Past, which comes out with St. Martin’s Press on August 6, 2024 (with the audiobook narrated by Roger Clark, who played Arthur Morgan in RDRII). The book uses the fictional content of the games as a gateway to explore the real history of violence and lawlessness in the 1865-1920 period. Olsson is really excited to meet fans at Black Hills Redemption, and to help attendees understand the gritty and violent history of the Dakotas and larger West.